Sunday, November 18, 2007

We Yearn to be Filled with Greatness

by Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook

Our goal is always directed not only to be redeemed from the narrow straits, not only to be healed of wounds and to be saved from sicknesses, not only to emerge from the conditions of poverty and from the dark of blindness—no!

A thirst to [do away with the] negative in itself depresses the spirit and does not give satisfaction to life.

It is not for this that we were brought into being by the Creator, He who is good and does good, the compassionate Father, the Source of all lovingkindness, all love and all compassion.

Rather, we yearn to be filled with greatness, great contentment in the soul, a fresh life filled with illumination in every corners to which we turn, Eden and infinite pleasure in every breath that we breathe, a never-sufficient youthfulness from the Source of the life of all worlds.

You, only You, Hashem—I seek Your greatness, I hope for it and I aspire to it.
And we come to the land of Israel, and we hope for deliverance, and we long for the redemption of the soul—but not to be saved from the chains of exile, not to escape the deformities of its sufferings that cause us to wear away.

No! Infinitely more than that—[we come] for the sake of revealing all of the light, for the sake of causing the streams of eternal life to flow from the Source of the holy of holies, from the Source of Israel, from the Source of [Israel’s] supernal soul, from the Source of that delightful love, [which comes from] the Rock of Ages, Who illumines for us with rays of glory a lovely land, the holy land, the land of life and the land of light.

“My soul longs and indeed expires for the courtyards of Hashem, my heart and my flesh will sing to the living God.”

How fortunate we are, we are blessed and fortunate with an eternal happiness and an exalted eternity.

“Fortunate are you Israel, who is like you, a nation saved by Hashem.”

Fortunate are you, [nation of] Israel, fortunate are you, fortunate are you.

Chadarav, 200-201

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